Anna Zivarts - A Quarter of Us Can’t Drive: How Centering Nondrivers Will Change Transportation

  • 15 Mar 2022
  • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Webinar

A Quarter of Us Can't Drive:

How Centering Non-drivers Will Change Transportation

Free webinar with Anna Zivarts of Disability Rights Washington

For too long, transportation policy has been written by and for drivers. For those of us who cannot drive, this creates major barriers to access school, jobs, medical care, grocery stores, religious services and everywhere else we need to go in order to fully participate in our communities. In fall 2020, the Disability Mobility Initiative started to organize nondrivers from throughout our state. With our years of lived experience, we are transportation experts. But because we are more likely to be BIPOC, low-income and disabled, the communities where we can afford to live are less likely to have the accessible sidewalks, reliable transit service, and proximity to services that we need. Through our story map project, research initiatives, and #WeekWithoutDriving, we’ve been working to bring the voices of nondrivers to the planning and policy-making tables that have historically excluded us, and to shift the narrative that only drivers have mobility needs worth prioritizing. Read Anna's Bio!

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