Seeking Nominations

11 Oct 2012 2:57 PM | Deleted user

The Washington State Ridesharing Organization is seeking nominations for Board of Directors (due October 26, 2012 at 5:00 pm) and the WSRO Award of Excellence (due October 12, 2012 at 12:00 pm)

The WSRO Award of Excellence will be presented to one individual or group by WSRO for demonstrating the values of the organization.  They are an active WSRO member and promote activities that contribute to sustainable transportation across the state.  Nominations for the WSRO Award of Excellence are due by Friday, October 12, at noon.  Winner will be announced at the Governor's Commute Smart Awards on November 5. Award of Excellence Nomination Form 

We are also seeking nominations for three open positions for the WSRO Board of Directors.  Nominees must be a member in good standing.  The positions are for a two year term.  See attached WSRO Board Member Responsibility document for more details on what the Board does.  WSRO Board of Directors Nomination Form  

Please complete the attached nomination forms for each and return to Anne Ward-Ryan by the due dates above.  Please contact Debbie Anderson at or for more information.  

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